

winery lab

Welcome to the spiritual and physical center of the cellar, the lab!

Welcome to the spiritual and physical center of the cellar, the lab!

In this cozy cornerof the cellar, tucked away behind tanks and barrels, is where Kelby and Meagz can often be found like badgers at the heart of their underground burrow. (Fun Factoid of the Day: Wikipedia informs us that a badger burrow is known as a sett, but we’re assuming you didn’t know that either.) Coming up with cellarwork plans, tasting samples, running lab numbers, answering emails, or staring at the calendar and counting how many weeks until harvest; it all happens here. Meagz even has enough Gummy Bears and chocolates stashed away in the cupboards to hibernate through winter.

It’s quaint, if a bit cramped. And it’s hidden location makes it an excellent defense against roving salespeople.

dinner table with wine glasses

Winemakers’ Dinner

Friday, September 27th


On September 27th, David will be jumping back into the kitchen for a special dinner with a menu that features some of our favorite dishes from the golden era of the Red Newt Bistro. This is going to be fun!!

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